Sunday, March 14, 2010

What if all our worries were eliminated???

What if all of your worries were eliminated?? Well if all of my worries were eliminated I would be one happy camper. I always worry about everything and to worry about stuff is meaningless. Now, of course it is natural and normal to worry about family members and loved ones, but is it really worth it sometimes? I usually worry about people and I get myself so worked up and stressed out, and if that were eliminated I would be so much better off. Worrying is a quality that causes aging, gray hair, and craziness. The world in general would be a better place without worries. I know someone who has spent her whole life worrying about everything. Her job, her parents, her husband, her kids, everything, she was worrying about it. And I cannot tell you how much happier and how easy her life would be if she never had to worry. She never would have developed a medical condition because of it, she never would have been admitted to the hospital for panic attacks. All of this could have been avoided if all our worried were eliminated. Think about how much money the government spends because of worries. All the national security measures that are being taken and all the troops we are sending overseas, it’s all because of worries. Now I’m not saying that the government wasn’t given a reason to worry because they definitely were but when you think about it, everything could have been avoided. I’m also not saying that people shouldn’t care about their loved ones, pets, etc. but I feel that there is a distinct difference between caring and worrying. Worrying does no good to anyone or anything and is a meaningless act. I would be the happiest and so content without all my worries.

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