Monday, January 18, 2010

What if...

What if... every wish made upon a star come true? Everyone would have everything they ever dreamed of. Would that really be a good thing? Maybe some people wish for things like happiness, love, or world peace. However, maybe others wish for things more harmful than harmless. Maybe more than one person wish for something that only one of them can have, what happens to the other people's wish? Also, if people knew that all their wishes were granted, the ability to make a wish would be taken advantage of and everyone would be wishing for everything. A young girl might be wishing for love when maybe she's really not ready. A mother may be wishing for her son to stay close to home when he wants to explore the world. An actress might wish for a certain role in a movie when someone else could play it better. What would happen if someone wished something crazy like bringing a loved one back to life? Would that wish have to come true? What about someone making a wish that could change history or the past? How would that wish even be possible to come true? Maybe a husband is wishing for a divorce and a wife is wishing for her marriage to work out and last a lifetime. Would wishes like that cancel each other out because they are contradicting and conflicting? So many things could happen and the world would be in complete and utter chaos if every wish upon a star came true. Life is complicated enough without everyone’s wish coming true. The last thing people need is to worry about someone else’s wish that comes true affecting them and how they live their life. So let’s just say… it’s a good thing that every wish upon a star doesn’t come true.

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